Thursday, February 18, 2010

february 18 part two!`

Where do I begin? As I mentioned earlier, hooked up with my niece Shawna this morning. That was so cool to have some one to hang out with although it was short. While we were together, ran into a fellow who said, hey I know you! Turns out he did and we had a great chat! Amazing|! It just baffles me to think WOW what a small world. As I was walking to the sky train tonight after the Victory Ceremony, I asked a young fellow for directions. I looked at him and said Hey! Another young thing I knew. He was Henk Meerdink's bookeepers son! WOW!! Who'dathunk! I just couldn't believe it! Amazing|! It just baffles me to think WOW what a small world! Brad Goss, Jim Van Tol, Steven Jarrold, how is it possible to run into these people, so far away? Well, it sure is cool!

Anyway, back to the Celebration ceremony, it was so cool to see Canada awarded the gold with a Nederland on either side was amazing!!!!! What a party that was! My age crept up with me and I just couldn't handle the party! Had to go home. Nice though, the bus was waiting as I got off the sky train. The walk home made me pretty nervous though. I walked as fast as I possibly could from the bus stop to Van tols. I don't think I'll do that again. The adrenalin was just rushing through my veins. Even though this is the Olympics, I'll save the power walking for the athletes. It was a great evening. The only thing that would have meade it better would have been to have someone to share it with. Next time! Believe it or not.....................I left home without the "card " for the camera! Although I have the pictures, you'll have to imagine once again! Sorry!


  1. Voor al je nederlandse fans zal ik de namen even noemen van de beide dames. Zilver:Anette Gerritsen(volgens mij heb je daar ook een muts van, die had je toch zeker wel op tijdens de huldiging) en brons:Laurine van Riessen.Ik heb net een uuur geleden de huldiging gezien, maar er waren geen shots van het publiek.Volgens onze tv waren er 20.000 mensen bij de huldiging, dus het was wel zoeken om jou te zien, als er shots van het publiek waren. Op alle filmpjes (zoals die in het holland house) die we zien kijken we of we je zien. Nog een hele fijne tijd en blijf schrijven, want het is heel leuk om je te volgen. Het eerste wat ik 's orgens doe is kijken of je weer wat geschreven hebt.Groetjes van ons allemaal

  2. You're having a great time, wow. You can always take official photos off the net to compile a 'who-I-saw" scrapbook. Quite neat to see the canadian and dutch together on the podium (maybe the canadian had dutch roots) Nice see the sea of orange too, brings back some where your-roots-are kind of pride

  3. Bill,
    Ik weet niet of jullie Christine Nesbitt nederlans bloed heeft, maar ze heeft wel een nederlandse riend. Ook een schaatser.

  4. Hey Mom! I am SO glad you got to see Canada awarded gold! I was watching all day to see if that would happen! I hope to call you tonight!
    Talk to you later!

  5. i thought i saw you today. in the background of CTV news...i tried to call you. could it have been?
    please come home soon. i miss you!!!!
